Whitney-HS Senior

Meet Whitney, she is my husbands cousin and she is a high school senior this year. Not only is she gorgeous she is also an awesome volleyball player! Can you believe she only wears eye make up? Talk about perfect skin! {Jealous} Thanks Whitney for letting me take your pictures and thanks to my hubby for taggin along and helpin out :)


I'm not sure how I forgot to post this! I took these pictures a couple months ago but between school and family reunions I spaced sharing these pics of this CUTE girl! Little Mckenna is another one of my nieces on my husbands side. I told you...lots of cuteness in this family! Mckenna is only 1 month older than my little boy and they sure love hanging out and getting into trouble together! We took these pictures for here birthday session..Here is a look at Mckenna {13 months}

Mckenna{13 months} Bruer {12 months}


Meet Sisly. {niece #2 I was telling you about in Livias post}. She is the 7th grandkid on my husbands side and is the 5th girl. {Just a side note-5 of the 7 grandkids were born in the last 15 months! Were loving all the babies!} She is such an observent and content baby. Sisly is so loved by everyone especially her parents! Can you believe all the cutest there is in one family?! Heres a look at Sisly at 7 days new.

Bryce & Lexie

I'm a little behind on posting this but here it is finally! This is my brother and his fiance Lexie, and her little girl, April. Who would've thought that we'd both marry people from lil ol Terreton. These two love birds are gettin hitched the end of August in Mt. Home. Congrats you guys! Here's a little peak at their engagement seesion!

In this next picture we literally ran to the spot, snapped the picture and jumped back into the car. There was about a million mosquitos out there and in the 2 minutes we were outside I left with 30 mosquitos bites! It was worth it though because this is my favorite picture!


Oh how I love a newborn smile...

Little miss Livia is one of our new nieces. {Niece #2's post to come. They are only 3 weeks apart} Livia was a champ for our session and was out cold until the end. Here is a look a Livia 9 days new.

Hey good lookin..

This is my smart, talented, funny, great father and husband, overly confident, good looking person is my husband. The list goes on but I got to keep him humble. ;)

Londyn & Sharli

These two adorable little girls are my nieces on my husbands side. They are so fun and so full of personality! We're sure going to miss them while they move away for a few years but hopefully they'll come visit often!
Lil Miss Shar is just over 8 months in these pictures. She has such a cute cheeser smile!

Londyn is turning 2 in a few days! I can't believe it's been 2 years! She is so much fun and loves to be outside and my son just loves following her around. Happy Birthday Lunners!

My Boy

Bruer and I have been soaking up the sun with these warm temperatures lately. We've been going for walks (sometimes 2 a day), going to see my hubby hard at work, doing some yard work, and just sitting on a blanket.

This is very typical of my son. He's been sticking his tongue out and making this noise since he was born I swear! Please excuse the drool..it just shows how good he is at this skill. :)


